Friday, January 2, 2009

Medical Transcription Services And Your Healthcare Business

When you need high quality medical transcription services, an outsourced medical transcription team can manage the entire dictation-to-reporting cycle efficiently and with HIPAA compliance in mind.

While some healthcare organizations maintain their dictation and reporting projects in-house, most are turning to outsourced transcription services to save on costs and receive high quality reports and documents on a consistent basis. Medical transcription services from a reliable and dependable company can improve workflow in your healthcare organization and make it much easier for doctors, physicians and healthcare professionals to obtain the reports and data they need. With today’s transcription software and web-based services, turnaround times of less than two days for most projects can be expected. Medical transcription services offer both short and long-term benefits for your healthcare organization, and may be the simplest way to cut costs in various departments.

Short-term benefits of outsourced medical transcription services include lower costs for training administrative staff, a faster turnaround time on high quality reports, and easy access to data. In most cases, doctors and other healthcare professionals can download reports immediately after completion; this makes it simple for different departments to move ahead with projects with ease, and ensures that all parties have access to the data they need. Doctors can also send their dictations via phone or microphone recording directly on their computer; this makes it easier for transcribers to create accurate reports and turn around the project at a faster rate.

Still, the long-term benefits of using medical transcription services on an outsourced basis present the most value to any healthcare organization. Your healthcare business will not need to worry about using up office space and equipment to perform the services which can help keep costs down for the long-term. Since you won’t have to invest in transcription software and training staff members to transcribe the data, you can cut back on costs here and use your resources for other priorities.

Reducing and eliminating payroll issues and employee benefits for staff members is another attractive benefit of outsourcing your projects. You will not need to worry about typical employee-related costs when you outsource your work which can cut your expense budget considerably. Most medical transcription companies work on a project basis or will set up a package for your particular business. Without payroll and staffing issues to worry about, you can also eliminate the need for extra health insurance benefits for employees. This can help you cut down on several costs and make project management much more cost-effective. Medical transcription companies may require an upfront fee or accept payment after you receive your reports, depending on the policy; this entire process can dramatically cut your costs overall.

Medical transcription services offer several benefits for your healthcare business, and your employees can look forward to improved workflow overall. Medical transcription services are designed to be HIPAA-compliant and provide high quality reports on a consistent basis. Most companies also offer customer services and technical support to manage any issues that may arise so your organization can count on projects being completed on time and in accordance with your guidelines and reporting requirements.

By: Rao Atluri

Anemia - Herbal Treatment, Ayurvedic Remedies And Home Remedies

What is Anemia?

Anemia is a condition in which the blood is deficient in the body. This deficiency of blood is caused due to the deficiency of iron, which is an essential component of the protein complex, hemoglobin, present in the blood.

In anemic persons, the count of hemoglobin in the blood goes down. Hemoglobin is composed of heme, which is an iron complex, and a protein named globin. If iron is lacking in the diet, then heme will not be formed and so also hemoglobin. The main function of hemoglobin is to carry oxygen to different parts of the body. Hence in absence of hemoglobin, the blood will not be able to provide oxygen to all parts of the body, which will lead in a characteristic weakness.

Why is Anemia caused?

The root cause of anemia is generally deficiency of iron in the diet. However, there are many other ways in which loss of blood can take place from the body. The following are some of them:-

§ People with hemorrhoids (i.e. piles) often lose great amounts of blood if there are open sores. If the loss is beyond acceptable limit, then the person would suffer from anemia.

§ Internal hemorrhages can occur in the body leading to loss of blood, and thus causing anemia.

§ Hemolysis is a condition in which a breakdown of the red blood corpuscles takes place. People suffering from hemolysis will be anemic. Such anemia is called as aplastic anemia.

§ Chronic diseases like cancers cause anemia, especially when the person undergoes treatments by radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

§ Deficiency of vitamins in the body – especially folate and vitamin C – is also responsible in causing anemia. This anemia is called as vitamin deficiency anemia.

§ There is a hereditary type of anemia called as the pernicious anemia. People with this condition are not able to absorb vitamin B12 in their bloodstream effectively. Hence vitamin loss occurs.

What are the Symptoms of Anemia?

There are many ways in which anemia can be observable from the outside. The following are some of the most common symptoms of anemia:-

§ People with anemia will have a pale appearance of skin due to the loss of blood. There will be discoloration of the nails and the lips.

§ Anemic people are not able to work for long hours. Fatigue is very common.

§ There will be restless and breathlessness occasionally.

§ At the same time, the heartbeat will be quite rapid. Minor activities can raise the heartbeat excessively.

§ Insomnia is commonly observed.

§ Anemic people will constantly feel giddy and nauseated.

§ In some cases there could be digestive problems like indigestion, constipation and flatulence.

How can Anemia be avoided?

There are many ways to prevent anemia. The following are some of the main preventive methods:-

§ A healthy diet, rich in iron, must be consumed. Whole grain cereals, legumes and pulses are good sources of iron. Nuts and dry dates also contain iron. Among the meats, organs such as kidney and liver contain iron in them.

§ Anemia that is caused due to deficiency of vitamins can be avoided by a proper intake of vitamins in the diet. The food must be properly balanced and contain the proper amount of nutrients. Consult a diet chart for better guidance.

§ In order to prevent anemia conditions that are linked with pregnancy, women can take multivitamin pills and other nutritional supplements at the advice of the doctor.

§ Anemia caused by vitamin deficiency can be aggravated by smoking. Smoking interferes in the proper absorption of several vitamins in the body. Hence these vitamins – especially folate and vitamin C which are water soluble – are flushed out of the body without getting assimilated.

§ Since pernicious anemia is hereditary, in order to avoid it you must consult with the doctor if you have a patient of pernicious anemia in your family.

How can Anemia be controlled with Simple Home Remedies?

There are various dietary guidelines that can be followed to control anemia. Some of them are given below:-

§ Apples are very good for anemia as they have high iron content. They should be eaten regularly; preferably after every meal.

§ Beetroot is also a very good source of iron. Apart from iron it contains various other minerals that are protective in function to the body.

§ Figs must be eaten regularly, at the rate of three to four per day.

§ Organ meats like kidney and liver must be included in the diet.

§ Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, etc. must be eaten in excess. They should be eaten at regular intervals and not all at once.

Other methods to control anemia are as follows:-

§ Cold water bath is known to have beneficial effects in anemia. A person with anemia must have at least two cold water baths a day.

§ Flushing out the bodily toxins is necessary. This can be achieved by massages from professionals.

§ For about ten minutes every day, the anemic person must breathe deeply.

§ Anemic people must not lead a lazy lifestyle even though anemia tends to make people lethargic. They must indulge in light exercises to keep the circulation healthy.

§ Yoga has positive effects in anemia. The preferable asanas are paschimottasana and shavasana. These bring the body into a relaxed state of equilibrium and facilitate circulation of blood.

By: Tom Alter

Best Migraine Prevention – Medicines Or Natural Remedies

The dictionary tells us that the word "migraine" is a Middle French word, modified from the Latin word "hemicrania", meaning a pain in one half or "hemi" of the head. To the person who suffers migraine, the pain may seem bigger than that, however. In fact, the current definition of migraine includes not only recurring, excruciating headache, but also nausea and possible vomiting. The dictionary fails to include the many ways in which the aura of migraine affects the body. It fails to describe the visual disturbances, the sounds and smells that are not there.

Migraine prevention is important to migraineurs because the pain and other symptoms disrupt life almost completely.

Migraine Prevention Medicines

We discussed in a previous article entitled "Best Migraine Prevention Medicines" the fact that many medicines, prescription and non-prescription, are claimed to have migraine prevention properties. Some seem to work for some people, while others are more likely to provide migraine prevention for others.

There is some controversy, however, as to whether one should even try a migraine prevention medicine.

As of this article's writing (early 2007), the FDA has approved four drugs for migraine prevention: propranolol, timolol, topiramate, and divalproex sodium. Amitriptyline, an antidepressant, is also prescribed for migraine prevention. Botox has been used successfully, but is not highly recommended.

The down side of using migraine prevention medicines is the fact that all of them require the patient to take adequate doses of the medicine for a length of time to determine the effectiveness. This can cause a building adverse effect before the sufferer even knows if migraine prevention is being provided. Physicians often must experiment, finding the smallest dose that will work without unwanted side effects.

Side Effects of Migraine Prevention Medicines

Merely as an example, consider the side effects of Topamax. The makers of Topamax offer on their website "Important Safety Information about Topamax" under which heading they admit that serious risks are associated with the medicine. Risks such as these are given:

* Lowered bicarbonate levels in the blood: This increases blood acidity. In severe reactions, the patient might experience irregular heartbeat or changes in their ability to remain alert. This side effect, if not treated, could eventually increase the risk of developing kidney stones or bone disease.

* Hyperventilation, i.e. deep, rapid breathing with a feeling of not being able to catch your breath.

* Fatigue.

* Increased eye pressure. Such pressure can lead to glaucoma and blindness.

The warnings continue, ending with "more common side effects" such as tingling in your arms and legs, losing your appetite, nausea, diarrhea, and changes in your taste that may lead to weight loss or increase.

Natural Migraine Prevention

Many believe the option of migraine prevention medicines is too risky, the side effects too numerous. For those individuals, there are natural migraine prevention options.

1. Migraine Triggers

One very natural method of migraine prevention is a migraine trigger diary. Make it important by purchasing a small blank book specifically for the purpose. It will cost less than a prescription, and will help you remember to use it. Place the book in a location where you will see it when you are not busy. Then faithfully record your daily meals, activities, weather, etc. When a migraine episode hits, look back and note what you were doing or eating just prior to its onset. Were you stressed by something? Was the weather different? As you see a pattern develop, try to eliminate those things from your life and see if it aids in migraine prevention.

2. Biofeedback

A second natural migraine prevention method is biofeedback. In biofeedback, special equipment is used to monitor physical tension in the migraineur. The goal is to teach the patient to control stress-related physical processes which may cause migraine. As the patient learns to recognize the physical tension without equipment, he can stop a rising migraine episode, or at least reduce the effects. Children seem to have a better response to biofeedback migraine prevention than do adults, probably because they are open to new methods and learn them quickly.

3. Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies are also being used effectively for migraine prevention. Butterbur and feverfew seem particularly helpful.

Butterbur is a shrub-like plant that grows in northern Asia, Europe, and parts of North America. Butterbur extracts are used to treat migraines. Several studies indicate that butterbur is good for migraine prevention. In the largest of these studies, 245 migraineurs took either butterbur extract or a placebo. After four months of treatment, butterbur was more effective than the placebo for migraine prevention. While 75 milligrams twice a day worked, 50 milligrams twice a day did not. Butterbur's side effects were mild, and included mild digestive complaints – mostly burping. Possible other side effects that were not experienced in the study include constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, headache, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. Pregnant or nursing women, children, and people with kidney or liver disease should not take butterbur. Please ask your physician before using this herb.

Feverfew, the second herbal remedy, has been used in Europe for centuries for migraine. In England, it was especially popular in the 1980s as an alternative to conventional migraine prevention drugs. Several studies have evaluated the effectiveness of feverfew for migraine prevention. One examined the use of a feverfew extract as opposed to a placebo in 170 migraineurs. Those who took feverfew showed a significant decrease in migraine frequency as compared to those who took the placebo. Frequency of migraines decreased by 1.9 migraines per month in the group that took feverfew. In the group taking a placebo, migraine frequency decreased only by 1.3 migraines per month.

The Choice Is Yours

The choice between migraine prevention through prescription medications and migraine prevention through natural remedies is yours to make. Migraine is a very personal experience, and the migraine prevention method that works for one will not necessarily work for all. Before you make the choice, get as much information as you can, and take your time.

By: Anna Hart
Disclaimer: The author is not a trained professional, and provides the foregoing information for educational purposes only. It is recommended that you seek professional advice from your personal physician.